domingo, 20 de octubre de 2013

Morning Glory

En los últimos minutos en la cárcel te asomas a la ventana y sientes algo similar a un síndrome de Estocolmo, quieres salir, pero no sabes lo que te espera fuera, o sí... y por eso prefieres quedarte dentro, a pesar de las bradicardias. Creas un vínculo de estabilidad, seguridad, resignación con tu captor.

Los domingos se han convertido en el día más triste sobre la faz de la tierra; ya no hay donde ir, y si lo hay...  no me apetece hacerlo sola. Esta ciudad sigue llena de meadas, no las ves, pero apestan.

A veces preferiría quedarme en Suecia vestida de verde.

viernes, 18 de octubre de 2013


Hacer guardia mañana me apetece taaannnto como que me saquen los ojos... :/

sábado, 12 de octubre de 2013

Robert DeLong Global Concepts

I think it burns my sense of truth
To hear me shouting at my youth
I need a way to sort it out

After I die, I'll reawake
Redefine what was at stake
From the hindsight of a god

I'll see the people that I use
See the substance I abuse
The ugly places that I lived

Did I make money? Was I proud?
Did I play my songs too loud?
Did I leave my life to chance
Or did I make you fucking dance?

Symmetry exists only in our mind
Our brain is shaping squares
So I woke up with entropy defined
But the forms still linger there, in my head

I'll see the people that I use
See the substance I abuse
The ugly places that I lived

Did I make money? Was I proud?
Did I play my songs too loud?
Did I leave my life to chance
Or did I make you fucking dance?

Global concepts uncommon the world round
But we share a mortal frame
That if you can hear reacts to every sound
But no two people move the same

I think it burns my sense of truth
To hear me shouting at my youth
I need a way to sort it out

After I die, I'll re-awake
Redefine what was at stake
From the hindsight of a god

I'll see the people that I use
See the substance I abuse
The ugly places that I lived

Did I make money? Was I proud?
Did I play my songs too loud?
Did I leave my life to chance
Or did I make you fucking dance?

viernes, 11 de octubre de 2013